If you've lost or accidentally deleted an important file or photo and can't find it in recycle bin/trash, or your computer has broken irreparably with important data stored on it, don't panic!
Due to the way computer hard drives work, data can be recovered with the use of specific tools. Whether you're working with Windows or Mac, your lost files and photos can be saved from the abyss.
Sometimes we accidentally delete something very important. It happens to the best of us! Fortunately there are methods and means out there to allow us to recover these files.
When our Hard Drives break down and we're no longer able to use them, it can be stressful.
Sometimes there's critical work files, other times just photos with sentimental value.
Either way we can no longer access them and that can be upsetting. Or lose you business. However you don't need to worry!
With the use of specialised skills and techniques, I can recover as much as there is to be recovered.
Sometimes there's just nothing to be done. In cases of physical damage, or if a file is too old usually it renders hard drives completely inert or the data was overwritten by other data and therefore cannot be extracted from the disk. Occasionally PDF files experience severe complications after being recovered and are still unopenable. In these cases I will not charge any fee since I will have produced no result.
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